Gujarati Duniya (This application) contains 2500+ Gujarati Suvichars (Good Thoughts), Jokes and Shayris in Gujarati font.
Features :
- Separate categories for Suvichars, Jokes and Shayris.
- Suvichar of the day. Set special timing for Suvichar of the day and the application will display one suvichar of the day everyday on your seted time. This functionality enables you for NO NEED TO FIND NEW GOOD MORNING QUOTE EVERY MORNING.
- Auto Add Good Morning, Good After Noon, Good Evening and Good Night on the basis of current device timing. It will ask you to share with our without this option.
- Add your description e.g. your name, website etc, and that description will be automatically added to the image while you will select share as image.
- Share on WhatsApp,Facebook, Twitter, SMS, Email in the simple text form, or MAKE AN IMAGE and share on the various listed social networks.
- Add quotes to your favorite list whichever you like the most.
Gujarati Duniya(此应用程序)包含2500多个Gujarati Suvichars(Good Thoughts),Jokes和Shayris in Gujarati字体。
特征 :
- Suvichars,Jokes和Shayris的单独类别。
- 当天的Suvichar。为当天的Suvichar设定特殊时间,申请将在您的时间每天显示一天的suvichar。此功能使您无需每天早上都能找到新的早餐报价。
- 根据当前的设备计时,自动添加早安,中午后好,晚安和晚安。如果没有此选项,它会要求您与我们分享。
- 添加您的说明,例如您的姓名,网站等,当您选择共享为图像时,该描述将自动添加到图像中。
- 以简单的文本形式分享WhatsApp,Facebook,Twitter,短信,电子邮件,或制作图像并分享各种列出的社交网络。
- 在您最喜欢的列表中添加引号到您喜欢的列表中。